It’s Time to Do it With Reckless Abandon

Last night, I was hanging out in the kitchen with my new roommate, S. and telling her how I never got more than 6 hours of sleep, woke up at 6am to go running and was always in the shower by 7 thirty at the latest and was never tired during the day.

This morning, I overslept, had to shorten my run, didn’t shower until 7:45, was completely exhausted all day and ended up coming down with a cold.

Tonight, I told her I thought that I’d jinxed myself by speaking the words so adamantly in our kitchen.

Since I was feeling kind of crappy, I ended up telling her that when it came to things like running and doing lots of activities like yoga, I felt like I was bringing my B-game.

“I’m noticing a lot of B-game trends in my life,” I explained. “I’m actually thinking of doing a blog post about it.”

“Did you say a blog post?”


“What’s your blog?”


“What’s your blog about?”

“Oh, um nothing. I guess it’s kind of a B-game blog, come to think of it.”

“So, who reads your blog?”

“Oh, nobody, really.”


“Well, I mean my family reads it. A few people I’ve never met before read it. Some scattered people from throughout my life get it emailed to them, I think.”

She laughed. “How often do you write?”

“Well, I used to write a lot. Then I gave it up for 3 months, and now it’s sort of sporadic. You know….B-game.”

“Were those the 3 months when you were running and doing yoga every day?”

“Oh….no. It was the 3 months after I wrote about my yoga teacher announcing to the whole class that I was on ‘Lady Holiday.'”

“So, you were mortified because she told 10 people that you had your period, and solved the problem by putting it on the Internet where everyone could read it?” She was doing something in between smiling and laughing.

I was struck, wondering why I’d done such an illogical thing, until I remembered that the purpose of my blog was to embarrass myself. “Well,” I explained. “It only dawned on me after the fact how truly embarrassing it was. And then my new coworker Googled me and found my blog. I was appalled, so I locked the blog and stopped writing it.”

“Then what happened?”

“Well, a few months later the same coworker told me that everyone knew my blog wasn’t really me, that it was an online persona. I mean, it’s a blog, but I don’t exactly tell the truth all the time. It’s not really real life.”

“You enhance it?”

“Well, enhance it, write in metaphor, put events in the wrong order, pretend I think things that I don’t, and every once in a while, I flat out lie. Anyway, after he told me everyone knew it was an online persona, I felt better and started blogging again.”

“That’s all it took?”

“But not everybody really gets it. I wrote a blog post about my friend’s pole-dancing party and switched around a few things to make a better story, but she was so mad I don’t think she’s really speaking to me.”

“You lost a friend over your blog?”

“Oh, and apparently people at my new company read the very same pole-dancing blog post. So my greatest concern – having a co-worker read something embarrassing about me on the Internet – has been brought to life. Except it wasn’t actually a bad thing, at all.”


“I feel like that pole-dancing post is probably the most embarrassing thing I’ll ever write, and so at this point, it can’t get worse. Why not just blog with reckless abandon?!”

She was incredulous. “That’s your logic?”

“Yeah, I mean, what do I have left to hide?”

“But…you lost a friend over it!”

Exactly. It can’t possibly get any worse!”

She shook her head. “I can’t believe you said that.”

“Why? In fact, I might even write a blog post about this very conversation.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re going to put that in writing?”

“Put what in writing?”

“You’re going to write, ‘It can’t get worse?’ Do you have any idea what you’re asking for when you actually write, ‘it can’t get worse?'”

“Oh my god. Yeah, and remember how yesterday I said I never got tired and today I got tired? What if our kitchen is some kind of weird mythical circle where every word you utter comes back to destroy you?”

We were silent.

“So…I shouldn’t do it, should?”

“I’m not saying that.”

“I mean, maybe I should do it, right? Just to see what happens. How bad can it possibly be?”

“You just said it again. ‘How bad can it get.'”

“So when I talk in the kitchen, the Universe answers?”

“Or the Devil. It’s not like you’re getting good results.” She started searching on her computer. “Maybe it’s that Nordic God, Loki. I think in the Nordic tradition, life is miserable, but when you die, you spend your afterlife in a battle, until Evil eventually wins.”

“So, what you’re saying is I should blog with reckless abandon, because Evil is going to win anyway.”

“Kind of.”

“Should I be afraid to write this?”


“I kind of want to see what happens. You know.. if anything happens. I mean, how much worse could it get?”

“Well, I guess we’re going to find out.”

Going on the Rebound is the New Learning to Let Go

As many people who follow astrology know, it’s been a very intense month astrologically. As many people who don’t follow astrology know, this month has kinda sorta sucked.

I was in the second group of people and really had no idea what was going on until I went to yoga class in NYC with a wonderful, former teacher of mine. She explained that the month is jam-packed with eclipses. To be specific, two solar eclipses sandwiching a lunar eclipse.

The class was the day before the lunar eclipse, and she explained that the lunar eclipse was a time when we were supposed to let go of something. The good news was, a solar eclipse was on its way, and that eclipse would signify huge growth and going to a new level, exploration of truer self, and happiness blah joy blah etc.

But of course the catch is you actually have to let go of something so the new thing can come to fill its place. This is the big yoga/meditation/holistic message!!! But it’s even bigger right now — it’s like a Let Go of Something Blow Out Eclipse sale! Pick a part of yourself and get a new, cooler one for zero money down and zero interest for one year!

Of course it all sounds good until you end up hanging out in a downward facing dog trying to push your heart into your thighs so you can experience this magical release, but your brow is totally furrowed because you’re stressing out about which of the many dysfunctional things swarming around you that you’d like to unload. Ultimately, you decide you’re not prepared to let go of anything, because letting go sucks.

Fortunately, when the eclipse on Wednesday June 15th rolled aroud, I was presented with no choice but to let go of something: my MacBook.

Now, as anyone who knows me knows, my MacBook is a piece of sh*t. For most of the past year, it’s worked slowly, screwed up, and threatened to completely malfunction at random times. Not to mention that it’s been a problem child since birth.

Basically, I hate my MacBook. Except I love it – a lot. I mean – the memories! I’ve had it for almost four years – it’s been everywhere and through everything with me. As anyone in my office knows, a typical interaction with my MacBook goes like this:

“F*(K! It’s doing this again. Ugh, I hate this computer! I mean” (turns to Macbook, begins ferociously stroking keyboard) “I’m sorry, baby. I love you, and I know how hard you work, and I’m not mad. I know you can keep working! And I so so so appreciate how good you’ve been to me!”

(Sadly, this actually happens, verbatim.)

Now, while this may seem a bit bipolar, I think both reactions are fair. The MacBook sucks, but it has served me well and I think it’s important to be grateful for what you have. Plus, it’s normal to get attached to things. It’s fine to hold on to them for as long as you need to!

Until, of course, you don’t have them anymore. On the night of the eclipse, after taking my computer to a concert on the lower east side while I voraciously relived my early 20s dancing like a early-20-something-year old, I brought it home only to discover that a) my coffee mug had exploded in my bag and b) my computer wouldn’t work.

I’m not really sure why, but it totally sent me over the edge. I mean, I was devastated. So devastated that I literally couldn’t sleep. I cursed the eclipse and all the talk of letting go. All the astrology-healing-holistic crap was totally B.S. “Personal Growth” could go to Hell. I didn’t want to let go. I wanted to get my MacBook back.

I wanted to reverse whatever I might have done to make it broken (such as failing to realize I’d thrown a thermos full of coffee in my bag.) I stayed awake for hours in a state of angry panic. Then I texted my incredibly cheery yoga-teacher friend in San Francisco, hoping to squeeze out some sympathy.

Instead she wrote back, “Awesome! You get to have a new Macbook!”

I wanted to be pissed off and completely disregard what she said because she’s an incredibly cheery yoga teacher, but I couldn’t help realizing she had a point.

Sure, having your computer break sucks, but new toys are really fun. Especially toys that happen to be fully-functioning computers.

Imagine, I thought, if I had a boyfriend or a job that was working as badly as my computer. Getting a shiny new one would be a great idea – a no brainer! In fact, it would be disturbing that I’d waited so long to make the trade.

Of course, letting go of anything, no matter how crappy it is, is hard. And that’s why I think we should waste less time trying to master “the art of letting go,” and spend more time getting excited about all the new toys we might be able to get.

In other words: stop knocking the rebound. Embrace it – because it’s so much easier to move on from the dysfunctional thing you love when you have something bright and shiny to fill its place.

That’s why this eclipse sandwich is so great – it’s basically saying – rebound! Trade whatever it is that’s not perfect in for something better. We can let go of even more than we would normally because we don’t have to dwell on the depressing part, we can keep our eye on the prize. (Or pretty distraction as the case maybe.)

Of course, it turned out the next day that my computer wasn’t actually broken, it was just out of batteries. But since I’m pretty sure it’s getting close to its end, so I’ve been prowling around the Apple store, playing around on new computers. I’m not buying them – just looking – and it’s making the thought of losing my old one a lot more bearable.

It may be shallow, and it may be the easy the way out – but who cares? After all – doing things the hard way is not a bad habit to let go of….